
CivilStorm CONNECT Edition x86/x64 注册版-综合雨水系统建模和分析软件

Bentley公司是一家致力于为基础设施提供全面的软件解决方案的公司,最新发布了CivilStorm CONNECT Edition版综合雨水建模和分析软件。它可以帮你检测系统瓶颈,提高容量,并限制雨水泛滥,同时在您的基础设施上减少资本投资,优化您的整个网络设计和系统的总体规划。 CivilStorm CONNECT Edition 10可对城市雨水系统的各个方面进行分析:降雨、径流、进气道捕获和旁路,重力和压力管道、池塘、出口结构、开放的渠道、涵洞等等。

CivilStorm CONNECT Edition x86/x64 注册版-综合雨水系统建模和分析软件

-能源成本(SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, and SewerCAD only)
-从时间结果AVI创建 (SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, and SewerCAD only)

Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the version of CivilStorm CONNECT Edition is Comprehensive Stormwater Modeling and Analysis Software.

CivilStorm CONNECT Edition x86/x64 注册版-综合雨水系统建模和分析软件

Stormwater systems can be very complex to model, with flow backups and reversals, surcharged pipes, and more. CivilStorm is one solution for all your stormwater modeling needs:

– Detect system bottlenecks, improve capacity, and limit stormwater flooding, so you can comply with stormwater regulations
– Minimize capital investments on your infrastructure with optimized network designs and master plans for your entire system.

CivilStorm performs analysis of all aspects of stormwater systems: rainfall, runoff, inlet capture and bypass, gravity and pressure piping, ponds, outlet structures, open channels, culverts, and more. It provides:

– Comprehensive stormwater modeling: Analyze pressure and free-surface flow conditions for networks of channels and closed conduits; model complex pond outlets for a variety of tailwater conditions; and use weirs, orifices, culverts, risers, and inlet boxes in your design.

– Effortless design: CivilStorm recommends the most cost-effective pipe sizes and invert elevations, while meeting design restrictions. It guides you through the complex pond and outlet design process and streamlines complicated culvert hydraulics.

– Streamlined model building and management: Leverage and import virtually any external data format to jump-start the model. Then, manipulate the model data effectively, with the ability to use a multitude of data entry and model editing tools that simplify and shorten the modeling process.

The following identifies some of the new features and enhancements in this release of the products:

– New Ribbon interface
– New property connection element
– Automated catchment delineation
– Energy costing (SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, and SewerCAD only)
– Improved tables for engineering profiles
– Customizable reports
– AVI creation from time results (SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, and SewerCAD only)
– Numerous usability enhancements

These products will also integrate with MicroStation CONNECT SELECTseries 4 and AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD 2017 (32 bit/64 bit). SewerGEMS will integrate with ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.2, 10.3, and 10.4.1.

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文章名称:《CivilStorm CONNECT Edition x86/x64 注册版-综合雨水系统建模和分析软件》