GlassWire 是一款适合普通用户使用的防火墙工具,它的界面简明优雅,以图形的方式显示网络流量,并可以针对每一个联网程序进行防火墙控制,有新的网络连接立即通知。界面直观,非常适合普通用户使用。用过不少网络防火墙,多数工具需要进行各种规则设置,比如 Windows 自带的防火墙,进入允许的程序与功能界面看到一堆不认识的程序名已经晕了还得选择家庭/公共,高级设置里更不像话,入站规则,出站规则,连接安全规则,与Windows自身的防火墙以及我们在杀毒软件套装中所见过的防火墙不一样,GlassWire 不仅好用,而且好看,是一款不可多得的操作简单明了,界面优雅美观的免费Windows防火墙软件。
虽然是国外的软件,但是 GlassWire 还是拥有原生中文,不过第一开启时,默认的是英文界面,需要自己在设置里更改。设置>语言>简体中文或者繁体中文
GlassWire 以波浪图方式监视并记录网络流量
GlassWire 一键阻止程序联网
GlassWire 流量统计
切换到“用量”选项卡,进入流量统计界面,GlassWire 会以饼形图的方式来告诉您,总体的入站(默认为黄色)、出站(默认为紫色)流量;以条形图的形式来描述本地及外部流量。我们也可以通过点击“选项”来自定义显示。点击“应用程序”即可分别统计每个程序的流量情况。如果你的宽带是以流量计费的,还可以使用GlassWire来设置流量提醒。
GlassWire 提醒
GlassWire 会在发现某程序第一次联网时右下角弹出警告,有人修改网络也会警告,总之网络有变化就警告。
GlassWire 个性化及高级功能
除了以上基本功能外,GlassWire 还支持远程访问、匿名等高级功能;如果你对GlassWire的默认配色不满意,还可以通过“皮肤”来设置你自己喜欢的颜色。
GlassWire 总结
撇开功能不说,GlassWire 至少在界面上非常简洁,主界面一共四个功能选项卡:图形流量、防火墙、使用情况和警告。另外,功能对于普通用户也完全够用,强烈推荐给大家!
1.2.120 更新记录:
Fixed a bug that caused GlassWire to reset the Windows Firewall to its default settings.
The problem where the GlassWire installer would sometimes hang for some users is now fixed.
GlassWire now has an “Upgrade” button that asks you to buy our software. Please consider upgrading if you enjoy GlassWire.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
1.2.118 更新记录:
Fixed a bug that caused some GlassWire Basic, Pro, and Elite users to become deactivated in some unusual situations.
Due to requests from GlassWire fans, incognito mode now stays persistent after a restart of GlassWire, or after a reboot.
Fixed a bug that caused the mini viewer to not save its position with some dual monitor configurations.
Fixed a bug that caused some GlassWire to crash if a certain kind of audio driver was used.
1.2.109 更新记录:
Fixed a bug that caused the GlassWire Idle Monitor to crash with some OS versions in some unusual situations.
The mini viewer should now always remember its position and size for all users and OS versions.
Fixed the sorting order of the remote hosts on the Firewall tab.
Fixed a problem that caused our Mic/Webcam detection feature to stop working with some Windows 10 versions.
1.2.96 更新记录:
You can now change firewall modes from the GlassWire Windows tray menu. Right click the GlassWire icon in the bottom right Windows tray to change modes.
The year is now added to the GlassWire network tab.
Three security upgrades were made due to HackerOne bug reports.
Fixed a problem where a network scan could cause the GlassWire service to crash.
We added protection so third party DLL files can no longer interact with GlassWire and cause it to crash.
Version 1.2.88
You can now scan manually for devices under GlassWire’s „Network“ tab. Basic, Pro, and Elite users will have an automatic scan every 30 minutes, while free users can scan manually by pressing the „scan“ button. We made this change because GlassWire was scanning so often in our previous update that some types of network hardware were giving false positives about GlassWire causing a network problem.
•To disable Network auto-scanning completely create a text file called glasswire.conf and place it in the c:programdataglasswireservice folder. Add this string to the text file: enable_network_scan = false then restart the GlassWire service. We plan to add a setting for this in the future.
•Fixed a bug that was causing some users to crash.
Version 1.2.79
GlassWire’s network tab functionality has been rewritten from scratch! GlassWire now picks up new network connected devices faster, and shows more accurate information. Give it a try and let us know what you think.
Fixed a bug where some users would click the GlassWire icon in the Windows taskbar tray and nothing would happen.
Made a change to allow GlassWire to work with some VPN services that don’t allow reverse host lookups.
Many other bug fixes and resource usage improvements.
Version 1.2.76 – (October 20, 2016)
- Removed an old unreliable cipher between the client and the service to improve connection security.
- Changed the default listening port to port 7010 to avoid false positive scans for some security software. This means that you must install GlassWire locally and on your remote servers for this update or the connection will not work.
- Fixed a problem where some free users would see a crash when trying to start a remote connection to another PC or server.
- Graph history is now more securely erased when cleared by the user.
- Local traffic is detected even more accurately now.
Version 1.2.74 – (September 15, 2016)
- Fixed a problem where no remote servers were selected in the list by default.
- Fixed a bug with the alerts counter.
- The mini viewer caption now shows “local” traffic when necessary.
- The network tab would show an IP with all zeros for some users in some rare cases. This problem is now fixed.
- Miscellaneous performance improvements and bug fixes.
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