Contexts Mac版是一款专门增强管理mac系统的窗口的软件.Contexts for mac 可以通过一次单击任何窗口切换,自动隐藏侧边栏显示.使用Contexts for mac让大家更加方便的管理Mac,提高工作效率!主要用于苹果桌面的窗口切换、快速运行某些应用程序等,同时Contexts还提供了强大的搜索功能。
Contexts is a radically faster and simpler window switcher. It gives you 4 ways to switch windows.
-Switch with one click to any window: An auto-hiding sidebar shows your windows organized in groups. To switch to a window just click its title in the list. It is as simple as that.
-Switch with one keystroke to 9 windows and with two keystrokes to any window: This is super fast. Each window gets a window number based on its position in the list. To switch to a window just press Option+window-number. It you are a keyboard person you will love it.
-Cycle through recently used windows: Command+Tab switcher fails if your applications have multiple windows. With Option+Tab Contexts lets you cycle through individual windows and switch to any of them directly.
-Switch with search to any window: Invoke panel with keyboard shortcut and type a few characters from the application name or window title to filter the list using fuzzy matching. Press enter to bring selected window forward.
Version 2.4
This release has two major improvements: an all new faster, easier to use, more ergonomic gesture switcher and the ability to reserve window numbers for specific apps. Try out both of them!
- The gesture switcher uses a top-edge gesture now. Place finger on the top-edge of the trackpad and then slide it down. The panel will appear (or the sidebar will expand depending on your preferences) and the selection will move down. Lift finger when the desired window is selected.
- Window number slots can be reserved for specific apps by right-clicking on an item. When you restart your computer or relaunch the app its windows will go into the reserved slots first.
- Control + p/n, Option + p/n and Command + p/n can be used to move selection up and down.
- Control + k/j, Option + k/j and Command + k/j can be used to move selection up and down.
- Fixes an issue which sometimes caused a character to be put into the search field instead when invoking Option keyboard shortcuts.
- An alert is raised if the Contexts app is renamed or moved to a different folder while it is running.
- Fixes an issue which in some cases resulted in a crash on macOS Yosemite when using multiple displays.
- Fixes an issue with the gesture recognition which resulted in crashes on macOS Sierra when waking from sleep.
- iTerm borderless full-screen windows are now tracked.
- Switching to Airmail when all its windows are closed should work correctly.
- VLC full-screen windows are now tracked.
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