
Passware Kit Forensic 2021.2.1 零售注册版-密码恢复合集工具

Passware Kit Forensic 2021 是一款国外知名的用于密码恢复合集工具。软件的功能可以说极为强大,涵盖恢复文件密码、恢复因特网和网络密码、重置Windows管理员密码、搜索受保护的文件和恢复硬盘密码等。几乎能破解目前所有主流文件的密码,如Zip、RAR、7Z和CAB等主流压缩文件完全不在话下,且破解速度快,操作简单方便好用。Passware Kit Forensic包含一个加密分析器,可以定位计算机上受密码保护的文件并分析其安全性。软件使用先进的密码恢复方法,其中针对不同情况的密码有不同的破解方式,词典、Xieve、暴力、已知的密码或其部分、先前的密码,以及它们的组合。支持多格式压缩文件密码找回;支持密码修改,能修改大小写、反向词等。

Passware Kit Forensic 2021.2.1 零售注册版-密码恢复合集工具

Passware Kit Forensic 2021 可识别多达300+的文件类型和批处理模式恢复你的密码,比如MS Office、PDF、Zip、RAR、QuickBooks、FileMaker、Lotus Notes、比特币钱包、苹果iTunes备份、Mac OS X钥匙链、密码管理器、和许多其他流行的应用程序等。同时,软件还可对你的电脑内存进行分析,分析实时内存图像和休眠隐藏文件,并提取硬盘加密密钥和登录Windows/Mac帐户。不仅如此,Passware Kit Forensic 2021 还支持对手机加密文件进行解密,你只需将你的手机链接到电脑中导出加密文件到程序中即可,并报告加密的类型和解密的复杂性,生成大概需要的解密时间,你可以将其在后台运行,解密期间不会对的电脑使用造成任何影响!

7、Passware Kit Forensic对诸如“strong123password”的密码进行组合攻击

Passware Kit Forensic 2021.2.1 零售注册版-密码恢复合集工具

设备加速:NVIDIAAMD GPU与多中心CPU用于大幅加速秘密密钥恢复。
推进恢复攻击:使用推动秘密词恢复攻击:词典,Xieve,暴 力,已知密码/部分,以前的密码,与他们的混合。

Passware Kit Forensic is the complete encrypted electronic evidence discovery solution that reports and decrypts all password-protected items on a computer. The software recognizes 300+ file types and works in batch mode recovering passwords.

Passware Kit Forensic 2021.2.1 零售注册版-密码恢复合集工具

Password recovery for over 300 file types

MS Office, PDF, Zip and RAR, QuickBooks, FileMaker, Lotus Notes, Bitcoin wallets, Apple iTunes Backup, Mac OS X Keychain, password managers, and many other popular applications.

Full disk decryption

Decrypts or recovers passwords for APFS, Apple DMG, BitLocker, Dell, FileVault2, LUKS and LUKS2, McAfee, PGP, Symantec, TrueCrypt, and VeraCrypt disk images. Supports batch processing.

Live memory analysis

Analyzes live memory images and hibernation files and extracts encryption keys for hard disks and logins for Windows & Mac accounts. Passware Bootable Memory Imager acquires memory of Windows, Linux, and Mac computers.

The complete encrypted electronic evidence discovery solution

Password recovery for over 300 file types

MS Office, PDF, Zip and RAR, QuickBooks, FileMaker, Lotus Notes, Bitcoin wallets, Apple iTunes Backup, Mac OS X Keychain, password managers, and many other popular applications.

Hardware acceleration

Accelerated password recovery with multiple computers, NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, and Rainbow Tables.

Live memory analysis

Analyzes memory images and hibernation files and extracts encryption keys for hard disks and files and passwords for Windows/Mac accounts and websites. Acquires memory of Windows, Linux, and Mac computers.

Batch mode

Runs password recovery tasks for multiple files and FDE images, one-by-one without user interaction.

Mac version

In addition to all the key features of a Windows version, Passware Kit Forensic for Mac provides access to APFS disks from Mac computers with Apple T2 chip.

Intelligent detection

Detects all encrypted files and hard disk images and reports the type of encryption and the complexity of the decryption.

Automatic updates

Optional automatic software and agents updates with one year of Software Maintenance and Support (SMS) subscription.

Passware Kit Agents

Support for distributed password recovery for Windows, Linux, and Amazon EC2. The Linux version runs a portable Passware Kit Agent from a bootable Linux USB drive.

Decryption of FDE

Decrypts or recovers passwords for APFS, Apple DMG, BitLocker, Dell, FileVault2, LUKS and LUKS2, McAfee, PGP, Symantec, TrueCrypt, and VeraCrypt disk images.

Update Version 2022.1.0 Dec. 15, 2021

New Features

  • Support for Windows 11
  • Support for macOS Monterey
  • GPU-accelerated password recovery for Acronis backups
  • List of passwords supported by the Known Password attack
  • Instant LUKS2 decryption via memory analysis
  • Support for LUKS2 AES-CBC plain encryption
  • Batch mode improvements
  • New Passware dictionaries
  • Hardware Benchmark added to Demo version
  • Shutdown and Reboot options in the Bootable Memory Imager
  • “About” box allows copying the product key, version, and product name


  • Improved sort options for the Find Encrypted Files page [SUP-1417]
  • Revised Read Me document for Passware Agent for Linux [SUP-1424]
  • Resolved an issue with processing some custom dictionaries [SUP-1432]
  • Multiple Dark theme improvements
  • Resolved an error caused by scanning the root folder on macOS
  • Minor UI improvements and fixes [SUP-1396] [SUP-1427]



Passware Kit Forensic 2021.2.1 零售注册版-密码恢复合集工具
Download 城通网盘:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-529875795-0f4358(访问密码:6871)
Download 城通网盘 for BootPE:https://url65.ctfile.com/f/3477565-529876632-4470dd(访问密码:6871)
[erphpdown]Download 百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/188YKM-s0Er-x3rAAGJE4Dw 提取码: zv5t
Download 百度网盘 for BootPE:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hvygyAD9gjLNJo5_Cy2oFg 提取码: jnbk

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文章名称:《Passware Kit Forensic 2021.2.1 零售注册版-密码恢复合集工具》