ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 5 是一款精致且轻量级的数字资产管理编辑软件,也是当今数字拍摄工作流程中不可或缺的一部分。其增强的校正工具和强大的组织功能可以帮助您加快图片后期处理速度,将更多时间用于拍摄。前瞻性的RAW技术支持和增强功能,让您的照片尽情展现神奇魅力。
使用ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 5 强大的RAW处理引擎,把您的RAW图像从粗糙的传感器数据处理成引人注目的数字艺术。有了macOS内核的原始支持,您就可以自由地选择正确的曝光、清晰度、锐度、灯光、颜色、杂点消除、细节等等。
使用ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 5 的工具来移动,搜索,排序和制作您自己的摄影工作流程。按照日期排序,对图像进行评分,设置类别和关键词来整理您的最佳作品和收藏。使用找到副本功能来消除占空间的多余副本。支持查看和编辑EXIF和IPTC信息,并嵌入您自己的元数据。通过定制的颜色标签和标记识别单个图像,以便进一步处理。
ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 5 针对单调、模糊、弯曲的图像快速矫正,在巧夺天工的照片里演绎得淋漓尽致。您可以在图像的地平线上画一条线,拉直功能将完美地校正您的线条方向,确保它从一开始就看起来完美无缺。然后,用保存边缘细节的锐化工具来实现清晰度。 控制每个边缘周围的锐化像素的数量,粗细与细节以及杂点的出现。
平衡范围,色温,色调,阴影, 中间调,和高光, 选择想要重新进行更改的色调范围。使用我们Light EQ™专利技术,您可以保留照片细节的同时恢复图像的自然亮度和对比度。这个工具直接地照亮了特定区域的阴影和高光,而不会影响整个图像。
Known for best-in-class digital asset management and RAW processing power, ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 5 gives you instant, import-free access to your photos. Flexible organizational tools to satisfy any workflow, lightning fast non-destructive adjustments, drag and drop searching, sleek customizable batch presets, and RAW support for over 450 camera models are just a few of the elements that make ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 5 the must-have image editing software on the macOS.
ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 5.0 Release Notes
New Features
- Map pane to add or view photo locations from anywhere in the world based on GPS info.
- Image Basket workspace to gather images, regardless of their location, for further processing.
- Batch Add Watermark tool.
- Batch Add Border tool.
- Compare Images tool.
- Filter By menu to display files by their metadata, such as ratings, color labels, tags, and categories.
- Auto Advance: adding metadata prompts ACDSee to automatically advance to the next image.
- External Editors command opens images from ACDSee in other user-selected applications.
- Multiple database support, create and switch between multiple databases.
- Import database: ACDSee detects previous ACDSee version (3 or 4), and offers to import the data on first launch.
- Improved browsing/scanning performance in many scenarios.
- Improved image capture device import handling capacity.
- Rename command keyboard shortcut with multiple images selected now opens Batch Rename dialog.
- ENTER key, RETURN key now applies metadata in Properties pane.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue in which Properties pane might not update after assigning metadata in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue in which File List scrolled when dragging items below application window.
- Fixed an issue in which focus did not return to File List after clicking Apply in Properties pane.
- Fixed an issue in which image thumbnails and metadata display might be delayed when browsing to folder after importing from device.
- Fixed memory leak when selecting an item with assigned keywords.
Known Issues
- Disconnecting an iOS device while importing will crash ACDSee.
- Move to trash will not work on images on cameras.
- Batch Copy and Batch Move will not work for images on cameras.
- PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) not supported.
- Cannot save Batch Preset with export destination folder defined relative to source folder.
- Develop mode changes are not remembered when group is deactivated.
- No method to view RGB values while using Eye Dropper to set White Balance.
- Cannot copy read-only EXIF metadata values to the clipboard.
- Cannot read any ACDSee metadata embedded in BMP, CUR, DDS, EXR, GIF, HDR, ICO, JP2, MEF, PBM, PSD, or TGA.
- Batch Copy operation hangs when Place in subfolder option enabled, “Date” token added to the Name, and date format includes slash character (“/”). Workaround: In System Preferences > Language & Region > Advanced… > Dates, remove “/” from the desired format.
- Import ignores video portion of Live Photos.
- Keyword/Category assignment may fail if target is unscanned image basket item.
- ACDSee will not function correctly if the ACDSee database is locked or read-only.
- ACDSee does not support multiple clients connecting to the same database. ACDSee will become unresponsive if trying to connect to a database that is already open in another instance of ACDSee.
- Status bar count may be wrong if empty smart folder selected.
- Watermark tool Center button doesn’t center watermark for all images in the Batch if images are different sizes.
- Running Batch Add Watermark while an unsupported image is in preview does not apply watermark.
- Compare Images Active View is empty if selected image is an orphan.
- Startup time may be impacted if Image Basket contains many items.
- External Editors feature does not support images on cameras.
- Encoding metadata to HEIC files is not supported.
- Keyboard shortcuts assigned to commands that can be renamed, (such as Categories, Batch Presets, External Editors), need to be re-assigned if command is renamed.
- On macOS 10.14, writing a Spotlight Comment fails with error “Source file not found” if ACDSee does not have permission to control Finder. Workaround: in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy, select Automation, and check the box to allow ACDSee to control Finder.
- Adding media files (e.g. audio, video files) to Image Basket is not supported.
- The folder tree fails to refresh after Cut-Paste or drag-and-drop Move operations. Workaround: View > Refresh Folders Pane (option + command + R).
- When importing a previous version’s database, please ensure the previous version of the application is closed.
- Importing a previous version’s database may cause the Date Modified timestamp to update but does not modify the actual contents of the database.
- macOS Sierra (10.12), macOS High Sierra (10.13), or macOS Mojave (10.14)
ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac v5.2 build 1151
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ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac v5.0 build 1017
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