
PassFab for RAR 9.3.3 多语言注册版 - RAR恢复工具

PassFab for RAR 是一款强大的WinRAR恢复工具,支持从任何应用程序(包括最新版本的WinRAR)创建的加密RAR存档(* .rar)中快速恢复忘记的密码。 无论使用何种压缩和加密算法,任何受密码保护的RAR存档都可以解锁。使用先进的SSE技术和新的搜索算法,高速恢复RAR密码。 此外,它还允许您使用多核CPU,NVIDIA CUDA GPU和ATI OpenCL GPU加速RAR密码恢复速度。

PassFab for RAR 9.3.3 多语言注册版 - RAR恢复工具

Quickly recover forgotten passwords from encrypted RAR archives (*.rar) created by any applications, including the latest version of WinRAR. Unlock any password-protected RAR archive no matter what compression and encryption algorithm is used.

Brute-force Attack

Try all combinations of password. It requires maximum time and it is usually used when you have no idea of the password.

PassFab for RAR 9.3.3 多语言注册版 - RAR恢复工具

Brute-force with Mask Attack

Use this attack when you still remember part of your password, you can set approximate minimum and maximum length of the password and more

Dictionary Attack

Find the password based on a built-in or self-created dictionary. It is the quickest type.

Recover Fast with GPU & Multi-core CPU

Recover RAR password at high speed by using advanced SSE technology and new search algorithm. Also, it allows you to accelerate RAR password recovery speed with Multi-core CPUs, NVIDIA CUDA GPUs and ATI OpenCL GPUs.

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文章名称:《PassFab for RAR 9.3.3 多语言注册版 - RAR恢复工具》